Monday, April 25, 2011

The Hudsucker Proxy

When compared to other works of the Coen brothers such as Bartin Fink and Fargo, I do not believe that the Coen brothers made any creative concessions when creating The Hudsucker Proxy, at least when compared to what it is that they normally do. It is possible, as is suggested in the prompt that the films of the Coen Brothers are just so radical and unique that it would be impossible to truly be able to tell if they had changed anything because of studio meddling due to how very absurd the Coen Brother films usually are. It may in fact be impossible to answer that question as the ridiculous nature of The Hudsucker Proxy is equal to that of their other films, such as The Big Lebowski, which was easily as ridiculous, although in a different manner which was more concerned with its absurd plot, or rather lack thereof. It is also possible that the entire film of The Hudsucker Proxy was merely being used as a satire of the film industry that was attempting to control the Coen brothers during this production, as it was the Coen Brothers first studio film. I would also be able to understand the chance that the “proxy” in the title is a reference to the Coen Brothers feeling of being mere pawns in the immense studio system of the film industry and how they were being controlled to merely create profitable films for the studios.

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