Monday, April 25, 2011

Mon Oncle

In my opinion Jacques Tati’s incredibly meticulous and detail oriented directing style in Mon Oncle is incredibly important as his style creates a varied, unique, and interesting setting for the film. His A.D.D. style of meticulous filmmaking is justified when watching the final product, as it creates a world of its own, where the characters seem to truly be interacting with the world in a perfectly blocked out way so as to attempt to create a perfect film. One perfect example of this is during the short snippet of a bicycle ride where as the character is riding down the street he hits a puddle. However Tati wanted to have the water splash out at the nearby pedestrian. However, the bicycle would normally never create such a splash as Tati would have wanted, so instead he had his team rig a hose leading underneath the puddle so that as soon as the bicycle passed through it, the hose would go off and drench the pedestrian. This precise attention to detail, while assuredly annoying to those having to work under Tati, allowed him to create such perfectly blocked scenes, where everything could come together so perfectly.

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